Cellphones, Internet, and the Classroom
I was one of seven experts recently asked to provide advice on how to balance time spent online and offline. I think this is important topic because many students are unable to even put their phones away for the entirety of a one hour class. Cell phones have increasingly become a distraction in my classrooms. For students that do not read as diligently as they are supposed to, the lecture might be the only chance they get to absorb material or have readings reinforced in another manner. However, if students are online while I am lecturing, then they will not adequately absorb and process the material being taught. Anyways, click the following link so you can read the 7 tips for balancing time spent online and offline.
- Thank you to the Safe Smart Social Team for publishing the original tips and story, Do Your Students Know How to Balance Time Spent Online & Offline, on April 6, 2017 in the Social Media Safety Blog.